What we do

NTW is a dynamic and flexible partnership, working in creative ways, together with residents, communities and partners, to facilitate change in Great Yarmouth.

Here are just some of our results from May 2019:

People making new connections in their community


Residents joining new groups or networks


Groups of residents supported to work together to address community priorities or to further common interests


People supported to overcome at least one personal challenge


People with complex needs report improved confidence competing for jobs following at least one volunteer position/‘taster’ day/ work placement


People will have overcome issues preventing them from getting and holding down a job, resulting in them sustaining employment.


How do we do this?

We create the conditions to foster friendship and connectivity in our communities. Community Development support then helps to build social capital and mobilise community action.  

When people need help, we champion a personalised approach to support. Services are more integrated and the methods more humanised, using local connections for ‘introductions’ to services, rather than a traditional referral process.

By nurturing skills, talents and capabilities, we work to inspire pride amongst local people- and in the places they live and work.  Dedicated support provided in communities helps to create meaningful occupation and pathways to sustainable jobs for people who are furthest away from the labour market.

Each year we run a study visit,  sharing practice and learning with local and national partners and stakeholders. This also creates opportunities to explore the development and alignment of  the NTW approach in Great Yarmouth borough and beyond. For more information on attending our next study visit please click here .

Our achievements

Case Studies

Real life stories showing just how our connectors have helped people make life changes.


Letters and notes from some of the people our connectors have helped along the way


The effects and consequences of the work we’re doing