Resident - Russell

NTW supported Russell with skills development through our bespoke training courses and support to volunteer and feel more part of his community for example, setting up a community gardening group with other local residents he has met. He told us:
“My phone is low on credit so I’m just sending a quick email to say thanks. Over the past six months I’ve found through mind, Community Roots and Mesh I’m starting to do things I didn’t think I’d be able to do.
To you, Tim, everyone that’s given me a chance, thanks.
I’m not very good at this sort of thing but I’m glad I’ve met all the people at Mesh and Community Roots”
NTW Involvement: Training Connector, Volunteer Co-Ordinator, Community Connectors, Community Development Worker
Volunteers supported by NTW

Watch our Youtube video to find out what volunteers tell us about our project.
Great Yarmouth & Gorleston Young Carers

Re: Grant Application
Thank you for all your help with our organisation’s funding bids, just a thank you note to say that I do appreciate all that you do. Knowing how busy you are, and somehow you always find time to read through our applications and reports.
I thought you would like to know that all your hard work was worth it as GYGYC has received £70,000 in grant payments for this year.
Thanks again, I could not do it without you. With Gratitude
- Terry Macrowan (Manager, GYGYC)
NTW Involvement: Community Development Worker
Shrublands Trust

On behalf of the Trust I wish to express my gratitude for the support that MESH gives to the support of the Work Club. The Trust are in the lucky position that, with assistance from Alan, we were able to source funding for the laptops and pay for the room hire, but without the dedicated support from Donna Younger and Jane Palmer I fear the sessions would cease.
As you are aware we have a significant proportion of residents that without this lifeline, would really struggle. The Work Club is a valuable resource for those looking for work. It supports our Gorleston residents that do not have access to internet, or who are not computer literate, as well as giving vital encouragement and pointers to those that continuously apply without success for work and get demoralised.
- Brian Brackley (Chair of Board of Trustees)
NTW Involvement: Community Connectors; Skills Connectors; Community Development Worker; Neighbourhood Manager
Southtown Community Café
Hi I just wanted to say how fantastic the Southtown community cafe is. I have now been attending for about a year. I love a chat, cuppa and biscuit most Tuesday’s and it has made a lovely difference to lots of people in the community.
But the summer kids’ cafe, well this has been absolutely fantastic, from art and crafts to fun and games, s’mores and more all thoroughly enjoyed.
Premier sports well they have been just amazing, superb activities and my children have totally loved attending (including my ‘I don’t want to go out’ eldest, who is 11) and I know others who attend feel exactly the same.
Today we had a mass day out at fritton lake which was just amazing.
Charmaine is a credit to our community along with her volunteers and the things they provide for us just keep getting bigger and better.
I look forward to these events week after week.
- Daisy
Help from a Life Connector
I would like to say a very big thank you to you and your department and organisation for providing me with a life line, this being Sue Orr.
Some months ago, I hit rock bottom, I had nothing but my clothes and a grotty rented room. With Sue’s help and constant encouragement, I have begun to rebuild my life.
Because of my health, I have had to live off benefits and getting these has been a nightmare and many times I have felt like giving up. But thanks to Sue I now have these sorted out, she has helped me attend vital appointments and has always offered sound advice.
I am also looking forward to shortly getting a small bungalow. Sue has also helped me become part of society again and I no longer feel so alone and isolated. I still have some way to go, but without Sue I don’t know what my life would have turned out like. I am sure Sue has helped many others and hopefully will continue to do so. I am gratefully yours.
- Sue Orr
NTW Involvement: Life Connector
DIAL Multi-Disciplinary Worker – thank you note from a resident
Hello James,
I would like to start with a very large thank you on behalf of myself and Callum.
Finally the issues regarding the tax credit issue have been resolved, this wouldn’t have happened without the wonderful help and support of yourself and the DIAL team.
Without the persistence of your calls on my behalf this still would be an on-going problem, so once again I’m very grateful and very pleased with the work that your team provided. If anything comes to light where you need a hand, I’m always willing and available as you helped me and it’s nice to re-pay the favour.
Yours faithfully,
Once again thank you.
Donation of £20 for use of phone calls.
* Most names and photographs have been changed.
Our achievements

Case Studies
Real life stories showing just how our connectors have helped people make life changes.